A TRIBUTE: General Jozef Haller & The Blue Army



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Text Box: Bibliography
Text Box: Bibliography

Arciszewski, Franciszek Adam, "Miracle on the Vistula" Veritas Foundation Press,
London, England 1957

Balawyder, Aloysius,
"The Maple Leaf and the White Eagle: Canadian-Polish Relations,
Columbia University Press, New York, 1980

Biskupski, M.B.,
"Canada and the Creation of a Polish Army" The Polish Review,
Polish Institute of Arts and Science, New York, NY 1999

Boleslavski, Richard, "
Way of the Lancer" The Literary Guild
New York, 1932

Davies, Norman
, "White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish Soviet War 1919-1920"
Orbis Books, London, 1982

Ezell, Edward Clinton
, "Small Arms of the World" Barnes and Noble Books,
12th Edition, New York 1993

Karolevitz, Robert F and Fenn, Ross S,
"Flight of Eagles"
Brevet Press Inc., Sioux Falls, SD 1974

Kellog, Charlotte
, "Paderewski" The Viking Press,
New York, 1956

Ligocki, Edward Elgoth
, "O Jozefie Hallerze" Nakladem Komitetu Obywatelskiego Panstwa,
Warsaw, Poland 1923

Musialik, Zdzislaw
, "General Weygand and the Battle of the Vistula - 1920"
Jozef Pilsudski Institute of Research, Ltd., London, 1987

Watt, Richard M
., "Bitter Glory - Poland and its Fate 1918-1939" Hippocrene Books,
New York, NY 1998

Zamoyski, A
dam, "The Polish Way" Hippocrene Books,
New York, NY 1998

Zarnowski, Janu
sz, "November 1918" Interpres Publishers,
Warsaw, 1