A TRIBUTE: General Jozef Haller & The Blue Army



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Jozef Haller (1873-1960)


      Jozef Haller (1873-1960), general, right-wing politician. He studied in Vienna at the Technical Military Academy, subsequently serving with the Austrian Army. In 1916, during the First World War, he became the commander of the Second Brigade of the Polish Legion.


      In 1918 in the aftermath of the "Charge of Rarancza," as commander of the Polish Auxiliary Corps with the Austrian Army, he crossed over to the Russian side.

Subsequently, he arrived in France, where on behalf of the Polish National Committee, and on the side of France, he created what was known as "the Blue Army." As commander, in 1919, he arrived in the homeland on the Ukranian front.


      In 1920 he seized Pomorze Gdansk (*webmaster's note - Pomorze Gdansk is the area near the Baltic Sea known at that time as Danzig.) in the name of Poland, and during the Polish-Soviet War he commanded the army of volunteers. He was also the Inspector General of the army and a member of the War Council.


      During 1920-1927 he was a member of Parliament (Seym). He attacked Jozef Pilsudski in an aggressive manner. After the election of Gabriel Narutowicz as President of the Republic, hostile dispositions were developed against him. After the May Coup of 1926, he was ordered into retirement. He co-organized the opposition party, the so called "Morges Front," and also in 1937 created the Labor Party.


      By the September campaigns (the Polish Defense War of 1939.) he lived abroad. During 1940-1943 he was the of Minister of Education in the government of Wladislaw Sikorski.


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